Court Decisions

The court decisions available on this website interpret and apply the New York Convention. These court decisions are in most cases published in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration since its Volume I (1976). 

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The court decisions available on this website interpret and apply the New York Convention.

  1. Most decisions are reported in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, published by ICCA since 1976, and are numbered as in the Yearbook (e.g., US no. 954).

  2. Other decisions are indicated by country, date, and a short name (e.g., UK 18 June 2020 Alexander Brothers).

Court decisions can be searched by country and by topic.

Court Decisions

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  • Excerpt Topics
    NETHERLANDS 29 August 2024 Employee v. Employer AG

    Gerechtshof ’s-Hertogenbosch, 29 August 2024, Case no. 200.332.948_0

    (Employee v. Employer AG)


    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics
    UNITED STATES 14 September 2023 DAK Property

    United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division, 14 September 2023, Case Nos.: 2:23-cv-417-SPC-KCD; 2:23-cv-497-SPC-KCD (DAK Property Holdings, Inc. v. Independent Specialty Insurance Company and Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, Subscribing to Certificate Number B604510568622021)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, Newport News Division, 15 August 2023, Case No. 4:23cv56

    (Keller North America, Inc. and Hampton Roads Connector Partners v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s OP London and SCOR UK Company Limited)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses the meaning and effect of the referral of the resolution of disputes to arbitration, including: who can ask for referral and when, whether a party has waived its right to request arbitration, the defense that there was no contract at all; whether there was a condition precedent to the commencement of arbitration (e.g. mediation), stay of proceedings v. compelling arbitration, and national procedural specificities such as remand and removal (US), effect of class action. etc.

    Referral to arbitration in general

    The court discusses how to interpret the Convention’s requirement that the agreement is not null and void etc., as well as specific cases of invalidity: e.g., lack of consent (misrepresentation, duress, or fraud), vague wording of the arbitral clause; other terms of the contract contradict the intention to arbitrate, etc.

    "Null and void", etc.

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 15 August 2023 3131 Veterans Blvd

    United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 15 August 2023, No. 22-CV-9849 (LAP)

    (Certain Underwriters at Lloyds, London, et al. v. 3131 Veterans Blvd LLC)


    The court discusses the principle of competence-competence, including whether the parties “intended to have arbitrability decided by an arbitrator”, and the separability of the arbitration agreement from the main contract.

    Arbitrator's competence and separability of the arbitration clause

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 2 August 2023 DAK Property

    United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division, 2 August 2023, Case No.: 2:23-cv-497-SPC-KCD

    (DAK Property Holdings, Inc. v. Independent Specialty Insurance Company and Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, Subscribing to Certificate Number B604510568622021)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 31 July 2023 DAK Property

    United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Fort Myers Division, 31 July, Case No.: 2:23-cv-417-SPC-KCD (DAK Property Holdings, Inc. v. Independent Specialty Insurance Company and Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, Subscribing to Certificate Number B604510568622021)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 1 June 2023 Antoine’s Restaurant

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 1 June 2023, CIVIL ACTION NO. 23-229 SECTION: D (4)

    (Antoine’s Restaurant, LLC v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, et al.)


    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 14 April 2023 Goux Enterprises

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 14 April 2023, CIVIL ACTION NO. 22-4330 SECTION “R” (1)

    (Goux Enterprises, et al. v. Indian Harbor Insurance Company, et al.)



    The court discusses the first alternative requirement of Art. II(2) that the arbitral award is “signed by the parties”.

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 31 March 2023 Next Level

    United States District Court, Western District of Louisiana, Lake Charles Division, 31 March 2023, CASE NO. 2:21-CV-04240

    (Next Level Hospitality LLC v. Independent Specialty Insurance Co)


    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 21 March 2023 Foresight Energy

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, 21 March 2023, Case No. 4:22-cv-00887-JAR

    (Foresight Energy, LLC v. ACE American Insurance Company, et al.)


    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 1 March 2023 Antoine’s Restaurant

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 1 March 2023, CIVIL ACTION NO. 23-229 SECTION: D (4)

    (Antoine’s Restaurant, LLC v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, et al.)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 23 February 2023 Bopp

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 23 February 2023, CIVIL ACTION NO. 23-18 SECTION M (4)

    (Patricia S. Bopp, et al. v. Independent Specialty Insurance Company, et al.)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)

    Multi-party disputes: The court discusses under which conditions non-signatories are covered by an arbitration agreement entered into by another party.

    Third parties (see also Art. I sub F "problems concerning the identity of the respondent", ¶106)

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Oklahoma, 9 February 2023, 20-CV-402-JWB(Krohmer Marina, LLC, an Oklahoma Limited Liability Company, doing business as Evergreen Marina, et al. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London and International Insurance Co. of Hannover SE)


    The court discusses aspects relating to the implementation of the Convention in a Contracting State: the self-executing nature of the Convention v. the requirement of implementing legislation; the lack of implementing legislation; legislation that diverges from the text of the Convention or is defective under national law. Also, the domestic requirement that a State be included in an official list (“gazetted”) to ascertain reciprocity.

    Implementing legislation

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 3 February 2023 3501 N. Causeway Associates

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 3 February 2023, CIVIL ACTION NO. 22-3787 SECTION: ”J”(2)

    (3501 N. Causeway Associates, LLC, et al. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, et al.)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 17 January 2023 Washington Schools

    United States District Court, Western District of Washington, 17 January 2023, CASE NO. 21-CV-00874-LK

    (Washington Schools Risk Management Pool v. American Re-Insurance Company and Sompo International Reinsurance)


    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 10 January 2023 Carondelet

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 10 January 2023, CIVIL ACTION NO. 22-4311 SECTION: D (2)

    (419 Carondelet, LLC v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, et al.)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics
    UNITED STATES 15 December 2022 Upper Room Bible Church

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 15 December 2022, CIVIL ACTION No. 22-3490 SECTION I

    (Upper Room Bible Church, Inc. v. Sedgwick Delegated Authority, et al.)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
    UNITED STATES 16 November 2022 City of Kenner

    United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, 16 November 2022, CIVIL ACTION NO. 22-2167 SECTION “R” (3)

    (City of Kenner v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, et al.)

    214-216 Field of application

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics
    UK 124

    High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division, Commercial Court, 1 August 2022, Case No: CL-2022-000322

    (QBE Europe SA/NV et al. v. Generali España de Seguros y Reaseguros)


    The court discusses which law – lex fori, lex contractus, law of the State where the award will be made – applies specifically to determining whether an agreement to arbitrate is “null and void etc.“, and, by extension, which law applies to determining the validity of arbitration agreements.

    Law applicable to "Null and void", etc. (for formal validity and applicable law, see Art. II, ¶204)

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics
    UNITED STATES 1 July 2020 J B Hunt

    United States District Court, Western District of Arkansas, Fayetteville Division, 1 July 2020, CASE NO. 5:20-CV-5049

    (J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. v. Steadfast Insurance Company et al.)


    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics
    ITALY 196

    Corte di Cassazione, Plenary Session, 12 July 2019,
    no. 18832 

    P.P. v. P.E. et al.


    The court discusses whether the dispute falls within the wording of the arbitration agreement; and whether claims in tort fall within the scope of the agreement.

    Scope of arbitration agreement

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics
    214 Agreement providing for arbitration in another State
    215 Agreement providing for arbitration within forum's State
    216 No place of arbitration designated

    The court discusses the meaning and effect of the referral of the resolution of disputes to arbitration, including: who can ask for referral and when, whether a party has waived its right to request arbitration, the defense that there was no contract at all; whether there was a condition precedent to the commencement of arbitration (e.g. mediation), stay of proceedings v. compelling arbitration, and national procedural specificities such as remand and removal (US), effect of class action. etc.

    Referral to arbitration in general

    The court discusses whether referral of the resolution of disputes to arbitration is mandatory under the Convention and whether mandatory referral is an internationally uniform rule which supersedes municipal law.

    Referral is mandatory

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)
  • Excerpt Topics

    The court discusses whether the dispute falls within the wording of the arbitration agreement; and whether claims in tort fall within the scope of the agreement.

    Scope of arbitration agreement

    The court discusses the meaning and effect of the referral of the resolution of disputes to arbitration, including: who can ask for referral and when, whether a party has waived its right to request arbitration, the defense that there was no contract at all; whether there was a condition precedent to the commencement of arbitration (e.g. mediation), stay of proceedings v. compelling arbitration, and national procedural specificities such as remand and removal (US), effect of class action. etc.

    Referral to arbitration in general

    The court discusses how to determine that there is a dispute as a condition for referral to arbitration.

    There must be a dispute

    The court discusses how to interpret the Convention’s requirement that the agreement is not null and void etc., as well as specific cases of invalidity: e.g., lack of consent (misrepresentation, duress, or fraud), vague wording of the arbitral clause; other terms of the contract contradict the intention to arbitrate, etc.

    "Null and void", etc.

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)

    Multi-party disputes: The court discusses under which conditions non-signatories are covered by an arbitration agreement entered into by another party.

    Third parties (see also Art. I sub F "problems concerning the identity of the respondent", ¶106)

    The court discusses whether the dispute falls within the wording of the arbitration agreement; and whether claims in tort fall within the scope of the agreement.

    Scope of arbitration agreement

    The court discusses the meaning and effect of the referral of the resolution of disputes to arbitration, including: who can ask for referral and when, whether a party has waived its right to request arbitration, the defense that there was no contract at all; whether there was a condition precedent to the commencement of arbitration (e.g. mediation), stay of proceedings v. compelling arbitration, and national procedural specificities such as remand and removal (US), effect of class action. etc.

    Referral to arbitration in general

    The court discusses how to determine that there is a dispute as a condition for referral to arbitration.

    There must be a dispute

    The court discusses how to interpret the Convention’s requirement that the agreement is not null and void etc., as well as specific cases of invalidity: e.g., lack of consent (misrepresentation, duress, or fraud), vague wording of the arbitral clause; other terms of the contract contradict the intention to arbitrate, etc.

    "Null and void", etc.

    The court discusses whether a certain dispute could be settled by arbitration, and the law applicable to that determination.

    Arbitrability (see also Art. V(2) sub ground a. "arbitrability", ¶519)

    Multi-party disputes: The court discusses under which conditions non-signatories are covered by an arbitration agreement entered into by another party.

    Third parties (see also Art. I sub F "problems concerning the identity of the respondent", ¶106)