Commentary on the New York Convention

The Commentary on Court Decisions on the New York Convention, by Professor Albert Jan van den Berg, is published in Volume XXVIII (2003) of the ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration. The court decisions interpreting and applying the New York Convention are analysed in the Commentary in the sequence of the Convention’s provisions and the subject matters addressed therein, according to a list of Topics

A brief description of each of the Topics can be found in the Annotated List of Topics prepared by Professor Albert Jan van den Berg, which is available here.

The Commentary is available for authorized members via the “Student Login”. If you are not an authorized member, you may find the Commentary at or in the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, Volume XXVIII (2003) (ISBN number: 90-411-2264-8, also available at kluwerarbitration by using this link).

Commentary on the New York Convention