Brazil No. 51. Bunge International Commerce Limited v. Parapuã Agroindustrial S/A, Superior Tribunal de Justiça, SEC 11.106 - EX, 17 May 2017
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The court discusses the principle that the merits of the award may not be reviewed and that the court may only carry out a limited review of the award to ascertain grounds for refusal.
No re-examination of the merits of the arbitral award
Invalidity of the arbitration agreement: The court discusses other cases of invalidity of the arbitration agreement, including that there was no agreement at all or that the party was not a signatory thereto, that the incorrect arbitral institution was chosen, etc.
Miscellaneous cases regarding the arbitration agreement
Due process: The court discusses what constitutes “proper notice” of the appointment of the arbitrators or of the arbitration proceedings.