10 - 04 - 1990


Yearbook Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, A.J. van den Berg (ed.), Vol. XVII (1992)
Jurisdiction Korea, Republic of
Original full text Full text decision KOREA 2

Korea 2. Supreme Court, 10 April 1990

Related topics

The court discusses the determination and relevance of the place where the award was made (in a foreign State or another contracting State.

Award made in the territory of another (Contracting) State (paragraphs 1 and 3 - first or "reciprocity" reservation)

The court discusses the form in which the arbitration agreement is expressed: short form arbitration clause, reference to rules of institution, etc.

Contents of arbitration agreement
209 Incorporation by reference and standard conditions

The court discusses issues specific to an arbitration agreement concluded through an agent or broker, e.g., whether the authorization to conclude it must also be in writing.

Agent/broker, etc.

The court discusses the general conditions the Convention imposes on a petitioner for seeking recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award – namely, the submission of the original arbitration agreement or arbitral award or a certified copy thereof – and examines in general whether these conditions were complied in the case at issue.

Conditions to be fulfilled by petitioner in general

Invalidity of the arbitration agreement: The court discusses the law applicable to the validity of the arbitration agreement at the enforcement stage.

Law applicable to the arbitration agreement

Due process: The court discusses what constitutes “proper notice” of the appointment of the arbitrators or of the arbitration proceedings.

"Proper notice"

Public policy: The court discusses the effect of other alleged violations of public policy on the recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award, such as contradictory reasons, manifest disregard of the law (US), etc.

Other cases